Borehole Image Specialists is a small company comprised of geologists with extensive subsurface investigation experience. We offer comprehensive processing, analysis, and interpretation of open hole and borehole image logs. Resistivity and acoustic borehole images provide an exceptional visual resolution of 0.2 inches, revealing reservoir features that are not visible through traditional open-hole logs or seismic surveys. These features include sedimentary textures, bedding contacts, folds, fractures, and faults. Borehole images are nearly equivalent to oriented cores. This technology has advanced from basic 3-armed dipmeter tools to highly sophisticated instruments that capture high-resolution data. Recent developments have enhanced the ability to acquire images in horizontal wells, using oil-based circulation fluids, and even while drilling. The insights gained from borehole images allow us to identify fracture types and quantify their spatial geometry and abundance. By analyzing rock matrix and pore texture in conjunction with composition, we can map image facies, which are proxies for depositional facies. Calibrating image facies to slabbed core enables us to evaluate the bioturbation index, the degree of lamination, the internal deformation, grain size distribution, rock heterogeneity, and the occurrence of concretions, secondary porosity, and brecciation. One significant application of borehole images is determining present-day stress trajectory from borehole breakouts, drilling-induced tensile fractures, high-angle echelon fractures, and hole elongation. Enhanced applications of borehole images include calibrating quantitative stress calculations for reservoir geomechanics and borehole stability, predicting critically stressed fracture geometry to reduce induced seismicity, assessing stress anisotropy to optimize stimulation design, and mapping hydraulic stimulation fractures from offset wells. Seeing is believing!
Integration of logging, geomechanical and core data
We have extensive regional experience in sedimentary basins around the world.
Seeing is believing!
Turning Old Data into New Insights
With recent mergers and acquisitions, there are many archival image log data sets that could enrich understanding of a field. Applying new interpretation techniques and displays to archival image log data can facilitate:
- Improved understanding of regional subsurface structure
- Application of image log facies analysis to strengthen Petrophysical Evaluation
- Informing Hydraulic Stimulation Analysis with image log fracture and stress geometry analysis
Updated image analyses results can be integrated with:
- Modern High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data
- Fiber Optic and Microseismic information from Hydraulic Stimulation
- New Petrophysical tools and interpretations
- Slabbed core for feature matching and core orientation
- Discrete Fracture Modeling
- Production Histories

We KNOW Geology!
How we can help you characterize your reservoir